Within this world, two distinct legions of mankind have evolved. The majority group sustains itself by consuming Haterade. This beverage breeds discontent and constant complaining about anything and everything (including the minority group).

By the way, I choose to be listed with the minority group. Although there exists nothing special or extraordinary about this alternative section of the population, they sustain their existence with daily doses of lemonade. That’s right. Although the base component of this liquid yields a natural sour tang, the processing inevitably transforms the potion into the ultimate state of sweetness. Thus, the minority segment always manages to be appreciative of something.

Perhaps after reviewing this list, some of the Hater Nation can be lured into the land of gratitude.

Ancestors: Thankful for those who came before us. They sacrificed, taught and fought for us.

Babies: They come, they cry, they eat, they poop, they play, they spend, they leave home, and then come back home again. Wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Creator: Did you actually think you arrived on a planet perfectly suited for your existence by accident?

Dinner: Lunch and breakfast. Every and any meal is not guaranteed, so savor the flavor.

Excellence: So inspiring when we see it in any form or profession. Bless those who sacrifice much to pursue it.

Family, friends: More valuable than any home burned down or money lost in the stock market.

Gifts: Not the kind purchased from Nordstrom. The kind each one of us was born with to benefit the common good. We would all be thankful if you did not waste or horde your talent.

Health: Wellness is not truly appreciated until it deteriorates or fails. The design of the human body is amazing.

Intimacy: On a huge planet of billions, one of the few things that allow us to truly connect on a personal level.

Jokes: Laughter rejuvenates the soul and releases stress. The medical remedy for all illnesses – physical, spiritual and mental.

Kindness: Frequent random acts have generated rainbows in the sky.

Love: See Mothers.

Mothers: See Love.

Nature: Creativity at its best. An oasis of real beauty and raw power.

Obama: Thanks, George Bush.

Peace: Even sweeter with Quiet.

Quiet: Best served with Peace.

Reconciliation: No matter what mistakes are made, “I’m sorry” and “forgive me” will close canyon wide wounds.

Shelter: It’s not about the bricks and walls. It’s about the hearts that are gathered there. Not about the home equity but the people equity.

Turkey: Tastes especially great on Thanksgiving (and the four days after).

USA: Certainly not perfect, but feels like pure paradise to me.

Vegas: Can’t tell you why I am so thankful. After all, what happens in Vegas …

Wives: For every action there is an opposite (and greater) reaction. Thank goodness!

Xenodochium: Yes, Pat, I would like to buy a vowel. Back in the day, this served as a room in a monastery for the reception of strangers and for the relief of paupers. Thankful for all the safe havens that have welcomed the tired and the weary.

Yesterday: The day that proceeded the best day of your life. Memories represent the good, bad, and ugly movie trailer of our lives.

Zero: Number of things for which we should not be thankful. All experiences have prepared us and made us stronger.

Are you living every day like it is Thanksgiving?

Andrea Blaylock has lived in Forest Park since 1994. When she isn’t chasing her four kids and husband, she is serving on the library board of trustees, majoring in apparel design at Dominican University and she says, enjoying every day with which God has blessed her.