A 36-year-old male employee of Walmart was stopped as he left the store in the morning after working the overnight shift on July 29. The Chicago man was asked to open his black duffel bag, which allegedly contained a greeting card, a bottle of Febreze, two Xbox 360 games, a DVD, two colognes, a pair of shorts and a man’s shirt, all offered for sale at Walmart. The total value of the merchandise was $158.56. He allegedly told police he threw away receipts and hadn’t emptied his bag because his housing was “night-to-night in different places.” He was charged with a single count of retail theft.


Police were summoned to the 100 block of Hannah in the early morning of July 28 after a resident discovered her home had been burglarized overnight. Police speculated that burglars had entered the side yard through an unlocked gate, then pulled a patio chair from the rear patio and used it as a stepping stool to enter a dining room window, from which they had removed the screen. Stolen were a grey MacBook laptop computer, an iPod, a Dell laptop with cords, a Toshiba laptop and a white Apple iPad2.

A GPS unit worth $300 was stolen from an unlocked Chevy Tahoe in the 7400 block of Madison Street around 9:30 p.m., July 29.

Wielding a club

A 47-year-old Maywood woman allegedly threatened Kmart security on July 16 by removing a club from her backpack and waving it about after she attempted to exit the store with a 12-pack of water, which she claimed she had paid for four days earlier, but never taken home. Police interviewed the woman around 1 p.m. and reported she was sweating profusely and speaking very quickly. She puffed on an inhaler and told police she took multiple medications with poisoned water and she was bleeding from the inside. She also reportedly talked about the federal government and its agents. At the station, she complained about being dizzy and rotting from the inside, according to reports. Because of her alleged ailments and mental state, she was transported to Rush Oak Park Hospital. She was given a local ordinance ticket for disorderly conduct.

Thwarted burglaries

Someone attempted to break into Damenzo’s Pizza in the 7300 block of Roosevelt Road, overnight on July 28. Police observed fresh pry-marks on the back door.

A house sitter called police after observing screens removed and windows open 6 inches on a home in the 900 block of Circle Avenue around noon on July 28. Window sash locks prevented burglars from entering at two different windows, police reported.

These items were obtained from the records of the Forest Park Police Department, July 23-29, and represent a portion of the incidents to which police responded. Unless otherwise indicated, anyone named in the report has only been charged with a crime.

-Compiled by Jean Lotus

Tip hotline

Anyone with information regarding the cases mentioned in this report, or on another matter, is encouraged to contact the Forest Park police department’s hotline at 708-615-6239. Information may be left anonymously.