Jackie lovinelli | Provided

We love to see our friends and families come back and join us each year. Over 245 shifts are filled with volunteers and staff. Volunteers cook taco’s, beef sandwiches, and sausage to name a few items. They pour beer and sell tickets. We have scorekeepers and wonderful volunteers sizing you up with merchandise! A huge thank you to all those dedicated volunteers!

Staff continue to enjoy this long weekend. They spend countless hours here at the park! You may even find some camped out in left field! All kidding aside, staff arrive at 7:30 a.m. and some days do not go home until the next morning around 1:00 a.m. Staff are dedicated to this event’s success! 

Over the years the Park District Board of Commissioners continues to support this huge event. Each day you will find board members volunteering their time in the food tent, selling merchandise, or pouring your beer. All these hours are done voluntarily!

Once again, we cannot wait to see our fans! The park is full of fans spending countless hours cheering on their favorite team or just out to see a great softball game! It is so great to see old friends reuniting and sharing their stories, “about that one time” or “did you see that great play”!

It continues to be an honor to provide the greatest tournament! We cannot wait to see everyone. Look forward to great Softball, good food, great company on the best softball fields! 

See you in the Park!

Jackie Iovinelli, Executive Director/Co-Tournament Director
Park District of Forest Park