Frank Sinatra dropped in with a party of 10 for dinner at Giannotti’s Restaurant on prom night, 1976. Gianotti’s Restaurant, located at 7711 Roosevelt Road, was known for its outstanding Italian cuisine, warm atmosphere and celebrity guests. On this occasion, the Review reported that Sinatra wasn’t “all that hungry,” yet did a “workmanlike job on the linguine with clam sauce.” The high school prom-goers mobbed the table with Sinatra and comedian Pat Henry and Jack McHugh, owner of the Four Touches Restaurant.  Sinatra was genial with the young fans, signing autographs before heading off to his limousine.

Jill Wagner

Photo from May 5, 1976 Forest Park Review with Frank Sinatra who had dinner at Giannotti’s Restaurant, the same night many high-schoolers were dining with their prom dates.